What does Pluto in Aquarius mean for each sign? by Lisa Stardust, Vogue Astrologer
On November 19, the evocative planet, Pluto, moves back into Aquarius and stays in the air sign for the next 20 years (Pluto moves into Pisces from March and September 2043, then back into Aquarius from September 2043 to January 2044). Pluto was in Aquarius in the spring of 2023 and from winter to the end of summer 2024.
When Pluto is in Aquarius, we can expect to see major societal and cultural shifts. Innovation, collective healing, advancements in science, and progress will continue to occur at a high. We’ll opt for unique ways to improve our situations and for the betterment of the universe. People will come together, unite, and fight for a common cause.
Read what it means for your sign:
You're proactive in the humanitarian work you do—so much so that it defines you. Your role will impact society, which is why helping the world will simultaneously become the catalyst for your personal change and growth.

You’re letting go of the traditions ingrained in your life and creating new ones. You are choosing to move forward by finding your own path and defining your own journey. You are making the rules now.

Looking for a new ideology to heal the past can help you transcend and blossom. Take an online course to evolve your mind. You might find that it uniquely shifts how you feel about matters and yourself.

Your intuition is stronger than ever. Therefore, it is necessary to lean into your dreams and visions. Journal them to meditate on the best path to take and to figure out what the universe wants you to know.

Love doesn't have to be a battleground. Instead of arguing your feelings, express them with kindness and put them out there. You’ll find that people are willing to meet you in the middle and understand you better.

You are constantly looking for innovative ways to improve your health. Do your due diligence and research ways to forge a better connection with your body before committing. That way, you can explore all options and find the best one.

Invest your energy in the arts. You'll find that creative ventures are optimal in the healing process. Let your passions and talents guide you towards mending the past and comprehending the repressed aspects of your life.

There is an immense fear of change within. However, to make it through the other side, you must evolve and let go of the past to build a brighter future. Jumping in will be scary, so taking baby steps toward growth is advisable.

Always looking for the focal point in communication can make you narrow-minded. Having a lofty approach in interactions with others can shift your perspective and create an empathetic attitude. Be open and flexible.

Anxiety over money forces you to forge a better dynamic with your spending habits and investments. If possible, seek assistance from a trusted friend, family member, or professional who can offer sound advice.

There will be push-pull in relationships. Due to your charitable nature and sentiments, learning to put your needs first and others second will take time. Remember, it is sometimes vital to be selfish to live your best life.

It is essential to love the parts of yourself that are rarely seen. Your shadow self needs to be acknowledged instead of concealed. Look in the mirror and give yourself a big hug. Love all the aspects and facets of yourself.
Stay tuned for monthly updates which will provide practical advice on how to align your self-care routines with the cosmic rhythms, helping you reach new heights of personal healing and growth.
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